Monday, August 04, 2008

1971 A EDCHERA SOVINT L'ALBADA ERA FREDA... 1971: In Edchera the dawn was often cold...

Va ésser la matinada d'un dia de la tardor de 1971 a l'exterior de la Base d'Edchera... Ja havia sortit el Sol a l'horitzó...
A la nit, al desert fa fred, i al matí, a les primeres hores, havies de portar roba d'abric. Després, al mig dia, la temperatura era ja força alta, i anaves només amb camisa i pantalons curts...(Fotografia Josep Maria Damas Pérez a Edchera, 1971)

1971 Was the dawn of one autumn day on the outside of Edchera's Advanced Base. The Sun was starting shining in the desert...
In the night, it is cold in the desert and you were taking clothes of coat. Later, to the midday, the temperature was already very high, and you were dressing opened shirt and shorts.. (Picture of Josep Maria Damas Pérez, Edchera, 1971)

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