Tuesday, April 13, 2010

MEMÒRIES DE DIES DE PLUJA... - Memories of rainy days...

Des de petit... M'encantava mirar la pluja caure al meu carrer des de la porta de casa davant del mercat de CollBlanc a l'Hospitalet... Veure sortir dels caus els cargols del meu jardí... Flaires d'humitat, de terra mullada... Fins i tot, de gran, ja a Can Solei, a l'Artur vell, m'encantava quan plovia als migdies eterns de 12 a 3... Obria la finestra de la classe o pujava a la terrassa de dalt, obria la porta i em seia en una cadira a veure com plovia des de l'antic laboratori... De vegades la Marca, com feia molts migdies, em portava cafè o caldo, i em renyava dient-me que m'anava a refredar... I de vegades agafava el cotxe, aparcat entre els dos edificis de l'escola, i m'anava a veure el mar, a la platgeta de Montgat o a la de Badalona, quan sabia que hi havia temporal de Llevant al mar, m'encantava sentir l'esquitx de les impressionants onades en solitari... I després m'anava a dinar, al Don Quijote o al Caño 14... , entranyables imatges de la memòria i dels sentits... ;-)

From I was a kid ... I loved watching the rain fall on my street from the front door of the market ... in Hospitalet's Collblanc... View the screws fall out of my garden ... View country house ... Smells damp, wet ground ... Even large, as in Can Solei, the old Arthur, I loved when it rained at midday eternal 12 to 3 hours ... I opened the window class or amounted to the terrace above, opened the door and I sat in a chair to see how it rained from the old lab ... Sometimes the Mrs Marca, as many had lunch, I had coffee or soup, and scolded me telling me that I was going to cool ... And sometimes the car, parked between two buildings of the school, and I was going to see the sea, Montgat Beach or Badalona Coast, when he knew that there were temporary Levante sea, loved heard the splash of waves impressive solo ... And then I was going to lunch at Don Quijote or Caño 14 ... You see, endearing images of memory and the senses  ;-)

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